Monday, 28 April 2014

Weigh In 28/4/14

Tonight I lost 4lb's.  I was really shocked at that because when I had a peek this morning I had only lost a pound all week.

We had to set some goals for the next 8 weeks at our meeting.  The 3 I set are:

  • to get back to where I was before 'the blip' 
  • to lose an extra 7lbs
  • to work on Couch 2 5k.
Apparently our leader will be asking us in a few weeks to let her know how we are getting on!

Thank you to everyone who has offered support in my journey.  Some of you are no-reply commenters so I can't respond but every message has been great and helps to keep me motivated.  

You are all my own personal cheerleaders - thank you!

Thursday, 24 April 2014


Today's sneaky peak at the scales shows that I have lost 1.8lbs so far this week.  As anything is better than not losing, I am happy.

So far I haven't managed to get out and do the Couch to 5K at all.  I have walked to the different places I have needed to go though so that is good.  I wonder whether sitting, trying what to think of to write for my assignment uses many

One thing I am doing in the house just as a 'move more' exercise is to run up our stairs rather than walk. Anything is better than nothing!!

Just wondering what to do for tea tonight.  I think I might nip to the shop and get some eggs and mushrooms for a mushroom fritata.  It's quick and easy to make, delicious with a salad or some new potatoes which are probably the main reasons I like it.

Thank you to everyone for the inspiring comments and the support and encouragement you are giving me.  It is really appreciated and will help keep me going  :)

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Weigh In 21/4/14

Yesterday, I lost 7lbs!!!!!

My leader Amanda was really pleased that I had got back on track.  With it being a Bank Holiday there were only 12 members who came to the scales and between us we lost 12.5lbs.  As 7 of that was mine, I felt pretty chuffed!

I now have less than a stone to lose to get back to where I was and reaching my first mini goal. 

I feel motivated and determined today :)

Monday, 21 April 2014

Couch to 5K

The NHS do a podcast thing for couch potatoes to turn into elite athletes.  Well maybe not quite but able to run 5K without requiring oxygen at the end of it.  I do not exercise, in fact it is almost a swear word in my life.  However, that is about to change!  I have downloaded all the podcasts to my phone and will be starting this tomorrow night.  I don't think that I will be able to jog for one minute without stopping so will be trying 30 seconds at first.  If I can do that then I will up it to the minute and see.  Should be interesting!

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Welcome to Shebafudge - The Lighter Side

In June last year I started trying to lose weight with Weightwatchers.  Now I have been overweight for 20 years so I am not expecting it to all drop off overnight, would be nice but unrealistic.  Between June and Christmas I managed to lose 55lbs (3st 13lbs in English) but 55lbs sounds like more!  I put on 8lb over Christmas and New Year, quickly losing that plus an extra pound and a half to get to 56 1/2 lbs, or just over 4 stone.  Since then, I have lost all motivation and just stuffed my face with anything that wasn't nailed down.

Then last Monday, I had a reality check.  I hadn't been to Weightwatchers for several weeks and knew I had put on weight as I could no longer put on my grey trousers and breathe at the same time.  I weighed myself and weighed in bang on 19st.  There is no way on this earth that I am going back to where I was when I first started  but that is where I was heading before I weighed myself.  I went back to WW that evening and tried to get back to it.  The first 3 days were really hard.  My PP allowance is 39 and the first 2 days I ate 63 and 54 PP respectively.  However, I was totally honest with myself and tracked every mouthful that went in.

I have managed to track EVERY single thing I have eaten this week and it has got easier as the week has gone on.  I am having a sneaky peak every morning to keep me on track and motivated.  So far on my scales I have lost 6.6lbs this week.  I am really hoping that is the case when I get back on the scales on Monday (fancy having WI on a Bank Holiday!)

So my first mini goal is to get back to where I was for New Year - well just after.  I want to get back to 17st 8 1/2lb.  Hopefully I will be well on the way to that this week!

If you can recommend any sites to visit or good blogs to keep my motivation high, please comment!

Friday, 18 April 2014

Ignore this

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